• What Is Truth?

    This is such a great topic because it seems to be confused today. Winston Churchill said, “The most valuable thing in the world is the truth, so valuable that it has often been barricaded by a bodyguard of lies.” Some of the most simple lies are difficult to spot because…

  • How Can We Trust The Bible?

    In establishing a Christian worldview the common denominator, even above being well read and understanding cultural issues is to be actively seeking after Jesus by staying in His Word. Even Jesus Himself stated that if we love Him, we’ll keep His Word (John 14:23). How can we keep His Word…

  • What Is A Worldview?

    The most basic understanding or definition of a worldview is that it is exactly like it sounds! It is the way we view the world. Imagine it like a set of glasses. Everything you see is viewed through the lenses of the glasses. How you see everything is filtered through…

  • Apolo-what?

    Apologetics is not as complicated as it sounds. It is a simple legal term with the definition reading: to have a systematic, reasonable, and logical defense for what you believe. But within the Christian faith it is considered a branch of theology that is something to be worked out and…